Land Dispute Mediation Services

Philip J. Hundl – Mediator & Attorney

Helping you find reasonable solutions to land disputes through mediation.

Mediator Philip Hundl can help you develop better solutions to land dispute cases.

Land dispute litigation is expensive. Mediation can often find solutions that are acceptable to all parties in a land dispute without going to court. Finding solutions with the assistance of an experienced land dispute mediator will likely save you money and often provides the parties with better outcomes.

Attorney and Mediator Philip J. Hundl has many years of experience litigating and settling land disputes. He can help parties identify solutions.

Get Started Today

Take your first step toward solving your land dispute. Contact Attorney and Mediator Philip Hundl to learn more about the mediation process and how it could work to help you find reasonable solutions for your land dispute. Call 800-266-4870 or click the button to send us an email.

Client Reviews

These are a few of the reviews provided by Mr. Hundl’s clients.

Why Try Land Dispute Mediation

There are many reasons to try land dispute mediation to reach a reasonable solution to your case. One primary reason is that you retain control of the case in mediation. You can agree or not agree to the mediated settlement — in contrast, the decision of a court does not depend on your agreement.

The mediation process can identify creative solutions to complex disputes. Settlement terms can be kept private in mediation.

Litigation can take years, but mediation might resolve your case much more quickly. That can save you money.

Click the video below for Philip’s description of mediation’s potential advantages for your land dispute case. After watching, click anywhere outside the video to return to this page.

Why Do Land Dispute Mediation

Land Dispute Mediation Blog Posts

These are articles and videos from Attorney and Mediator Philip Hundl describing how land dispute mediation services can develop reasonable solutions to settle your case. Mediation offers you the possibility of innovative solutions that satisfy the requirements of all parties, saving you money and time.